News & References
Our actual references
The Phorms School in Berlin
The Kunterbunt Daycare Centre in Barnstorf
Neighbourhood playground in Wolfsburg
U3 Daycare centre in Munich
A Hiking Box for Lausanne
Playtime in the new development area
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Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bauen wir weltweit innovative, ressourcenschonende, nachhaltig künstlerisch und pädagogisch gestaltete Spielräume.
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The KuKuk Box in the media
Switzerland’s largest mobile playground
The play container at the ship lift
Diversity as standard
The alternative play area
The KuKuk Box is also suitable as a “hiking playground”, as this example from Oberwinterthur shows. The containers are transportable and can temporarily replace playgrounds that are currently being renovated.
A contribution from RADIO TOP.
Broadcast in German.
The KuKuk play containers can also be used in more unusual places, for example on the water playground at the LWL Industrial Museum Henrichenburg Ship Lift.
A post from the LWL Industrial Museum Henrichenburg Ship Lift Facebook page.
Written in German.
Due to their standardised shape, containers can be shipped relatively cheaply anywhere in the world. Thanks to their stable frame construction and versatility, they are also ideal for use as scaffolding and outer shells for a variety of play and leisure facilities.
A contribution from “More Sports. More Architecture.“
The alternative playground is installed whenever a place is greatly lacking in play equipment. The play equipment inside the container has been designed for children of practically all age groups.
A contribution by the city of Winterthur.
Written in German.
KuKuk Box on video
A playground in Iraq
This playground was built in Khanke, on the grounds of the orphanage and education centre as part of the “Our Bridge” initiative in northern Iraq. About 250 children benefit from the playground every day, including those living in the neighbouring refugee camp. It was financed as a crowdfunding project together with KuKuk.
Play during wartime
Children in war zones suffer from psychological stress and trauma. It is here that supporting initiatives and aid organisations become important, as they try to at least offer the children a distraction.
Traumatised children at least find some form of relief in play. Play containers are therefore a very important initiative for them.
The structure of a KuKuk Box
Play containers are an increasingly popular way of creating a DIN-certified, high-quality and versatile play area in a short space of time and with little effort.
Setting up a KuKuk box is quick and easy.
…and suddenly it was all about us.
An impressive piece on the art education integration project [Lampedusa Calling], initiated by the Stadtjugendring Herrenberg youth organisation – with the vision “Courage for humanity”.
Time lapse of the construction
In the simplest case, an open, paved area is all you need to set up a play container in a public space – for example in a pedestrian precinct, on a market square or in a school playground.
Once you have that, it’s all very quick to set up.
Many towns, councils and other local authorities that started by purchasing one KuKuk Box now own several play containers. Having this sort of inventory also makes it much easier to plan conversions or refurbishments.
Play containers for Ukraine
KuKuk Box play containers are available in different designs, and one of them has been specially developed for use in crisis regions.
Play is not a luxury, play is an important lifeblood – and a human right.
Skatepark in a Box
“Skatepark in a Box” is a new, versatile and at the same time sustainable concept for the further development of mobile skate facilities around the world.
As the name suggests, the project consists of a skatepark and a box. The skatepark was designed by Cologne landscape architect and skatepark specialist Ralf Maier, and the box was designed by us.
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KuKuk Box
Rosenwiesstraße 17
D – 70567 Stuttgart
+49 (0) 711 342155–133